
Organizational Ownership

We talk about creating a learning culture and having employees take control of their learning and professional development and then we get so frustrated when workers attending these high-quality training courses are texting or checking their emails under the table.  Don’t they want to learn?

Before we point fingers at bored employee let us step back a moment and ask where the organization’s ownership of the learning culture is, have they defined what skills and competencies they want people to acquire and why?  Has the organization described the business proposition clearly and does the worker know the WIIFM, the What’s In It for Me?  In this short video I identify several key tactics every organization needs to put in place to define the jobs of tomorrow and identify how they can then prepare their workforce for these jobs with new training options, stretch roles, and educational collaborations. This collaboration and shared ownership provides the way to achieve success, and then the culture where learning is experienced will lead to growth and high performance.

Check out the video and see how we can begin this transformation by realizing that the purpose of learning is to support and grow the organization and that means all parties must come together to define and describe the future so everyone knows What’s In it for Me. I would enjoy talking more with you about how we can partner on identifying career paths that can develop your talent pipeline so let’s Zoom or send me an email, let’s keep learning together!  Use the contact button above or visit our web site!