Let’s create a community career path!

Do your workers jump to another company when there is an opportunity for a higher salary and more responsibilities?  Is this drain a challenge for you to fill?  Or is this an opportunity to build a broader talent pipeline that can benefit you as well as others in your community.

In this short video, Let’s create a community career path!, I outline a method to connect organizations using a set of common role profiles with a focus on creating collaboration instead of competition for talent and leveraging the knowledge acquired by the person from each member business to strengthen their own talent pool.  This is based on a common agreement around key technical skills and behavioral competencies.  Build on the strength of the community and create ways to build on each other’s training and work practices to establish common values and accepted levels of defined proficiency.  This allows you to know that when a supervisor has mastered time management and staff scheduling at one place that they don’t have to be re-trained at another.  The key to this, based on the common agreement on role responsibilities, is to develop and use a shared microcredentialing model so everyone knows who can “do” the job in terms of performance capabilities.

Check out the video and see why this could help employers better qualify future employees and reduce recruiting time, employee turnover, and cost of retraining. I would enjoy talking more with you about how we can partner on identifying career paths that can develop your talent pipeline so let’s Zoom or send me an email, let’s keep learning together! Use the contact button above or visit our web site!

Corporate Capability – develop your workforce!

A capable worker needs more than technical or functional skills to be successful performing their role, they maximize these and utilize behavioral skills. We can impact the organization when we ask the business experts to define the broad range of skills people use and how they are measured in the operational environment.  More than a collection of courses in the LMS, this is about developing people in the context of their work experiences, blending the various capabilities into a highly personalized learning path that is strategic and aligned with the business goals and objectives.

Take a look at this short video, Corporate Capability: develop your workforce!, and let’s think about how we can identify the differences and requirements different teams within an organization need so workers can perform effectively and efficiently.  There will be overlap yet the opportunity is to maximize common strengths while honing and improving the unique skills people need in each part of the enterprise.   If you would like discuss how to implement and use this model as a part of your workflow process as well as using learning as a strategic business tool send me an email or call and let’s talk! Use the contact button above or visit our web site!

Planning for flexibility

Sometimes contingency plans have a way of becoming permanent and while we have screen grabmade the transition to remote work and remote learning we need to start require instruction to be more accommodating for all involved. In this short video I share the need for a hybrid flexible, or HyFlex, model that supports location choice and time options while maintaining a consistent level of content, activities, and assessment strategies. The key attribute is being able to meet people’s changing need to access content and peers seamlessly from face-2-face to a blended online to a completely asynchronous interaction and support the seamless transition between these different delivery channels and experiences on a daily basis.

While I can’t be live in front of you now, I would welcome the opportunity to discuss and explore this topic in greater detail and how we can help you and your team perform and succeed.  Send me an email or call and let’s talk! Use the contact button above or visit visit our web site!

Better thinking brings better performance!

Connecting context to content matters and I have discovered along the way that aligning people’s passions with purpose, through the use of learning, brought better results. Learning is not the focus, improving performance and solving the issue in the workflow is.

John Hagel’s Learning Pyramid brings a focus on thinking skills based on passion. Tapping into people’s hearts and focusing on the bigger picture results with responses that is more than simply retrieving facts, people use their critical thinking skills and apply these skills to think broadly through issues.

Check out this video and see how starting with the emotional connection, creating the WIIFM, and connecting to people’s capabilities and you will see a worker who finds solutions and keeps learning (even though they don’t really call it that!).

If you would like to learn how to implement and use workflow learning and develop thinking workers using learning as a strategic business tool send me an email or call me and let’s talk! Use the contact button above or visit our web site!

Go Backwards to move (people) forward!

Sounds strange doesn’t it?  Going backwards but changing how you develop training and supporting people at the time and place of kNOW is how we can move forward.  Now I come from the classical school of ADDIE where instructional design has Curriculum driving the process.  Work with a SME to identify content, develop the lessons and modules, select media and then add in assessments.

My focus is on impacting and improving performance especially in the flow of work and I have realized it’s time to go backwards.   Backwards design begins with 3 questions: How do you define success? How does the business measure success? How do you create the path to their defined success?

There are detailed ways to use these 3 questions and if you would like to learn how to implement and use backwards design in your development process check out this short video, Go backwards to move forward!  If you would like to learn more about using backwards design in your development process or using learning as a strategic business tool send me an email or call and let’s talk!  Use the contact button above or visit our web site!